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Disillusionment and Reality

I go through life thinking there is a silver lining behind every storm cloud, yet the reality is there is very seldom a silver lining. Yet, I press forward thinking one day I will reach the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Why do I have such thoughts or hopes or dreams.…


Many projects have been happening on the farm and in life. The farm projects are long over due in getting done. These projects have been on “the list” for a year or two. Their length of time on “the list” has various reasons from sheer mechanics of doing the project to outright procrastination. Our farm…

Creative Touch

There are many creative activities I enjoy doing. The past year I have been learning how to create using epoxy resin. My interest started with You Tube videos. Watching others create jewelry, then proceeding to miniature sculptures frozen in time, to creating trays, bowls, tables and chess boards. My first experience using epoxy resin was…

Spring Around the Corner

Today I am home. A day off from working, but still working. My mind and hands are always busy, just a habit I think. Perhaps a habit created by having to work providing an income to put food on the table, clothes on the back and a roof over the head. Today’s task was planning…

February Update of 2024

A life ever changing, a changing life. We are face with challenges and seasons every year, month and day. Strength is gained in challenges. We learn from successes and failures, if we choose to. Working forty hours per week as posed a challenge to getting other things done. I am glad I participated in Bloganuary…

Rhythm and Seasons

Adjusting to change with a different daily schedule, different responsibilities, and different roles presents challenges, and sometimes letting go of duties and things. January 2023 is now past, a month with a few big challenges in my life. Sometimes a person works at a business, performing to their best ability and doing what is asked,…

Favorite Sport

Heart beats marking time as one, foot prints fall in cadence, one leading, one following moving as one. They dance to the music only the two can hear. Perfect rhythm and time. Slow or fast, change of direction or motion no one hears or sees the messages, only the two speak the language. Regardless of…

To Win Big

Millions of people buy tickets for the lottery with hopes and dreams of the possibility of winning. Statistically, very few people win compared to the number of tickets purchased. Basically, 1 person in 300 million will win a lottery. But what if? What would I do after winning a lottery? Simple, first get an attorney,…

New Friends, Old Friends

Books have been my friends since I was very young. I enjoy reading, only I do not have much time to read. There are some old friends I would like to visit with again, such as Black Beauty and Man O’ War. There are some new ones I would like to read as well. Books…

Family Traditions

Family traditions are important as they bring past to the future. Family traditions helps to maintain family contact, even when everyone lives far away. Most of our family traditions are centered around Christmas celebration. The one food item at everyone’s Christmas celebration is what we call Church Windows. A sweet treat made with colored marshmallows,…


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